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Sermon on the Mount

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life after death

Life after death
(words highlighted purple or blue are links. Click to see more information)

I talked a little about this topic last week but it came up again this morning in an email from my friend, co-catechist. He had told me, at church, a little of his near death experience, (NDE), when he had a heart attack a few months ago. He emailed me an article about a neurosurgeon who had nearly died of a rare form of E coli that had attacked his spinal fluids and put him in a coma for seven days. His name is Dr. Eben Alexander and he has a book about his experience, due to be released on October 23, 2012.

Made me think about scripture, John 14: 1-4 Jesus said to his disciples:
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.
2 In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.
4 Where [I] am going you know the way.”

Rev. 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, [for] the old order has passed away.


We had a neighbor when I was in grade school, that every Sunday, he would always pick up a carload of kids and take them to church with him and his children. Mr. M, as I'll call him, would take us to church and then he always would go to the "Stop-n-Go" and get us "Icee's". You know most of us went for the treat, not for the faith, but I digress.
My mom was sitting with Mrs. M one afternoon and asked how Mr. M had got to be so religious. (Momma was nosey) Mrs. M told her about her oldest daughter Joy, a year or so older than me, and how she had nearly died when she was about six or seven years old. Joy came down with Chicken Pox, which progressed, into Pneumonia. They had to take her to the hospital when her fever got really high. Well Joy was really sick and a couple days later, the doctors told them that there was nothing else they could do, that if Joy lived through the night, it would be a miracle. Mr. M had been an alcoholic and never attended church, but he was distraught over his baby girl and went to the Chapel in the hospital. He says he got down on his knees and begged God to save his baby girl and he would never touch liquor again and would dedicate the rest of his life to serving Him. I don't remember anything about Mrs. M during this night, but Joy tells the story that night, she woke up because someone was calling her name. When she opened her eyes, she saw a man with long hair sitting at the foot of the bed. He was glowing bright with white light and smiled at her. He told her that she was going to be Ok. Her fever broke and she went home a day later after the doctor was satisfied she was well enough.

Mr. M never took another drink, and sometime after that day, Joy told the story to me herself. I've forgotten a few of the details, but I'll never forget the story and how I felt afterward. I have to say, I have never doubted that it was Jesus, as she said. Since then, I have heard so many stories that it warms my heart to know that there is a Heaven waiting for us.

 I read stories like little Colton Burpo, who during a medical crisis was comforted by the Angels singing to him while he sat in Jesus' lap. There are several videos on You Tube of him and his family telling about their experience, check this one:

I have to warn you, that as soon as you post anything about Heaven, God, Jesus, Angels, or NDE's, all of the crazies, aka Satan, come out to post negative and often mean comments. Beware, and just avoid reading negative comments. Some people just enjoy tearing down what they don't understand.

Another wonder is Akiane Kramarik. This young woman has been painting Heaven, Jesus, and Mary since she was four years old. She sees visions of Heaven since she was about 3 years old that she could not explain so she started drawing them and then painting. She has never had a lesson in her life!
Jesus had said,  “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." Matt. 18:3.
This child is a miracle of God, and her talents are unfathomable. The picture of Jesus, painted at 8 years of age, is my favorite and if you read Colton Burpo's story, you will find the connection between him and Akiane.

One thing I know for sure, is that we will go to Heaven if we live the life Jesus asks us to live. Turn away from sin, turn away from the evils of this world, sarcasm, meanness, bullying, swearing, refusing to believe in God, killing babies in abortion, excuses, drug use, alcoholism, bragging, pride, lying, deception, gossip, and oh so many more. We have a guidebook for life, it is called the Holy Bible. The Catholic Church has a Bible for "Dummies", it is called the Catechism, and fully explains how we are to live according to the Word of God.

So while we work on it, let us love our children and our spouses and family, kiss them, and tell them you love them. Be kind to people. Try to do something nice for at least one person every day. Show people God through your actions; let them smell the aroma of Holiness around you.

I could talk about this all day,
The Catholic Lady ©

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