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Sermon on the Mount

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Who am I?

Who am I?
(words highlighted purple or blue are links. Click to see more information)

I'm creating this blog to share my thoughts and discuss various topics that effect our lives today as Catholic women. I want to read Catholic Books and add audio & video as I learn how this works.

I am an active member of my Catholic Church, volunteering as a Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, a Lector or Minister of the Word or Reader as some like to say. I've been a member of the CCW when it was active and now the Ladies Guild which we reformed recently.

I am in the Parish that I made my conversion to the Catholic Faith. I did transfer to another church for a few years when we moved out to the country, but came back when we got tired of the commute to work. While I was gone, a major change happened in my church. The local Diocese was given the management of the church from the founders, The Society of the Precious Blood.

The new Diocesan priest was a bit too strict with the catechism and hundreds of people left to go to other churches. I can't understand this. This church is our family. Priests come and go, why didn't they stay to get to know the priest? I stayed upon returning to town, an at first was a bit shocked, but maintained that the Church is authority and there is no such thing as a "Liberal Catholic" if they follow the teachings of the Church which are all received from the word of God.

I came to love and consider this priest a friend and believe he is on the road to becoming a Bishop and beyond. The Holiest man I have known in person.

Now he has been reassigned to a higher position in the Diocese and some of the people who left are drifting back "for a peek" at the new priest assigned to us.

My question is, do we want these folks back? People who would run away from their church family of years, even decades? What kind of example is this? If we follow Jesus' teachings and love one another, we should be teaching tolerance to our children, not to run because you don't like being reminded of the rules? Do we want to keep our vices and continue to sin, and still expect to be a leader and example in our Church?
Are we to become protestants within our church? To behave as they(protestants) do, and if you don't like what you hear, to run to another church? Or worse, start another church with different values on the teachings of our Lord? Growing up a Baptist, I experienced church divisions first hand. One day we're in one church and the next we are off to start a new church and leave our friends behind. Even as a child I could see the error in this thinking.

I am Catholic, and I believe in the Truth of the Catholic teachings and will not let the "world" influence
my beliefs, my life, or my marriage. There is true genius in the Catholic Church and I can't imagine ever following any other teachings.

I have a few websites to recommend:

and if you want to learn from other Catholic speakers, try Lighthouse Catholic Media CD's. They have been a great ministry to me and others that I have shared them with. Join their CD of the Month Club:

That's all for now,
The Catholic Lady ©

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